Non-refundable Registration fee is $150.00 per student.
Please click here to download the Registration form for the 2017-2018 School Year
Tuition for the school year beginning in the fall shall be paid as follows:
A 3% reduction in tuition will be given for payments made in full byJuly 15, 2017, if paid by cash or check only.
Credit Card payments are accepted. The 3% discount for payment in full by July 15, 2017, is not applicable.
Make checks payable to Kneseth Israel Pre-School. They can be mailed to the school or given to the Director. Tuition is due regardless of family vacations or illnesses that cause your child to miss school.
Tuition Refund Policy Refunds are given only if a family must move out of town for work-related reasons, or if the family is military and is reassigned to a new area, or in the event that the student has a serious and prolonged illness. If a child is withdrawn from KIPS for any other reason, tuition will be refunded on a pro-rated basis only if we can fill the child’s vacant spot.
Families enrolling more than one child will be given a $100.00 per year discount in tuition for the additional children.
Kneseth Israel Pre-School is open to all regardless of race, religion or nationality. Children who are eligible for our two, three and four-year-old classes must reach that age by September 1 of the year they enroll. However, we will accept children any time during the school year if they meet our age requirements and if space is available.
All students, except two-year-olds, need to be toilet trained.
Kneseth Israel Pre-School reserves the right to withdraw a student from the school if, after consulting with parents, it is determined that the staff is unable to meet the individual needs of the child, or if the well being of other students is in jeopardy.
I (we) have read the Pre-School Handbook and agree to abide by the regulations and policies of the school. I (we) understand and agree to the Kneseth Israel Pre-School payments. The school reserves the right to withdraw a student if a payment is delinquent.
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