Come join the Kneseth Israel family for the High Holidays in 5777....
Congregation Kneseth Israel features the most complete services and the lowest prices in the community. For prices. Questions? Please contact the synagogue office via email or 410-263-3924. You can also contact our Membership Chairperson about specials for new members via email or by calling 410-263-3924 extension 3. Join us for a memorable and inspiring service under the leadership of Rabbi Micah D. Halpern.
Rosh Hashanah Schedule of Events
Erev Rosh Hashana Sunday, October 2nd (29 Elul) Mincha and Maariv at 5:45 PM Candle lighting at 6:59 PM (at home)
Day 1: Monday, Octoeber 3rd (1 Tishrei)
Opening Prayer: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Torah Reading begins approximately: 9:30 AM
Rabbi's sermon: approximately 10:15 AM
Children's services will be held at 10:30 AM
Mussaf services with adult choir approximately 11:00 AM
Service concludes: approximately 1:30 PM
Tashlich at 4:00 PM at the home of Dr. & Mrs. Michael Monias, with a walking group leaving the shul at 4:00 PM.
Mincha/Maariv service at 7:00 PM
Candle lighting (at home) after 6:58 PM
Day 2: Tuesday, October 4th (2 Tishrei)
Opening Prayer: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Torah Reading begins: 9:20 AM
Rabbi's sermon: approximately 10:15 AM
Shofar and Children's services at 10:30 AM
Mussaf services with Adult Choir approximately 11:00 AM
Service concludes: approximately 1:00 PM
Ma'ariv at 6:15 PM Rosh Hashana ends at 7:32 PM
Wednesday, October 5th- Fast of Gadaliah
Shabbos Shuvah: Saturday, October 8th Shacharit at 9:00 AM, Shabbos ends: 7:26 PM
Sunday,October 9th -Memorial Service at Kneseth Israel Cemetery at 11:00 AM
Yom Kippur Schedule of Events
Erev Yom Kippur services on Tuesday, October 11th (9 Tishrei)
Mincha at 5:45 PM. Fast begins at 6:02 PM.
Communal Candle Lighting at 5:40 PM
Kol Nidrei services with adult choir at 6:15 PM
Rabbi's sermon: 7:30 PM
Maariv at 7:45 PM. concluding at approximately 8:45 PM
Yom Kippur services on Wednesday, October 12th (10 Tishrei)
Opening prayers: 9:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:30 AM
Children's services will be held at 11:00 AM
Torah reading and Haftorah: 11:00 AM
Rabbi's sermon: 11:45 AM
Yizkor Memorial Service: After Rabbi's Sermon
Mussaf with adult choir: 12:30 PM
Mincha & N'eilah: 5:00 PM
Fast concludes not before 7:11 PM
Babysitting & Childcare Congregation Kneseth Israel provides youth services and baby-sitters on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Youth Services: ages 5-12 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM; Baby-sitting ages 2-5 from 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM. With your cooperation we will all enjoy a meaningful, warm, and dignified service.